Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Irish Chain Variation Scrap Quilt Finished!

Block A's were completed and I arranged them on the design board to start getting a feel for how they should be arranged.
 And then started with the Block B's, the Chains..First was the 9 patches, then sides attached:
 This is the back side. I fanned the seams at the intersections and pressed all other seams to one side.
 Then, attached a top strip.
This is on the design board, ready to be sewn together. It's fairly close to what the end top will look like. I think that after I brought the picture disk down to the computer and switched it to black and white, I will move a couple more blocks to even out the top part that appears more dark.

Well, that's it!  The projects are all finished and now I start the last class of the book where I go back and add borders and then quilt all of these projects! 

Then I take the final exam. Woo HOO.


  1. Looks great!! I really the blue you chose, looks great with the scrappy blocks!

    keep up the great work!

  2. Very nice. I love it. Interesting journey you took. Looking forward to watching you complete the quilts you have made.

  3. Hi Dawn,

    I followed your link from Lesley's blog. I've enjoyed reading through your Quilter's Academy posts. You've gotten a lot accomplished this spring. I started the Academy series about 2 years ago now - blogging my progress at though much of 2012 was spent not quilting or blogging.

    Cheers, K
